Russians just love statistics. Thus, the Moscow newspaper Bolshoi Gorod (Big City), which is vaguely approximate to the Village Voice or Washingto City Paper, publishes lots of them in its weeky issues. Here's the latest (Levada center survey, 1600 persons asked through all Russia), comparing the result to the same survey taken in 1990.
Kto iz deyatelei vremen resvolutyutsii 1917 goda vyzvyvaet u vas naibolshuyu simpatiyu?
For which of the actors in the 1917 Revolution do you have the most sympathy for?
2007 1990 % change Lenin 27% 67% -40% Dzerzhinskii 21% 45% -24% Stalin 15% 8% +7% Nikolai II 11% 4% +7% Bukharin 7% 21% -14% Kolchak 7% 3% +4% Makhno 6% 8% -2% Trotsky 4% 16% -12% Kerensky 3% 3% no change Milyukhov 1% 2% -1%
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