[lbo-talk] NYT: Chavez loses, 51% to 49%; Chavez does concede on TV

Eric rayrena at realtime.net
Tue Dec 4 10:43:11 PST 2007

>It's funny how this is one thing that anarchists and the ISO agree on
>- Chavez, like Castro, is a power-mad despot, a classic Latin

Really? For my mental health, I don't keep up with the ISO line, but I just read this piece <http://www.socialistworker.org/2007-2/654/654_06_Venezuela.shtml> and though it does offer a mild lament about the top-downness of chavismo, it reads more or less like a defense of Chavez. I read it as a slightly more critical version of what most people here are saying: U.S. elites are lying about what's going on in Venezuela; the protection of Venezuelan soveriegnty should be a primary concern of international leftists; the Venezuelans support and can only find their expression as a people in the state and in the person of Chavez. I don't see anything remotely like anarchism in any of this. But I also don't see much that's anarchistic in Chuck0's obsession with Chavez's corruption either.

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