Let's assume just for the moment (augen-blick) that not every suit (triple A) goes and gets his 12k-ish aus-ruestung (ruestung=armor; ausruestung=gear) at Ebay:
Where precisely (ok, in ordnung: roughly) do you then draw the line (faden, schnur, seil) im klassen-kampf, zum klassen-feind?
Alfred Landman
Zwei Brüder
* Oben auf der Bergesspitze Liegt das Schloß in Nacht gehüllt; Doch im Tale leuchten Blitze, Helle Schwerter klirren wild.
Das sind Brüder, die dort fechten Grimmen Zweikampf, wutentbrannt. Sprich, warum die Brüder rechten Mit dem Schwerte in der Hand? Gräfin Lauras Augenfunken Zündeten den Brüderstreit. Beide glühen liebestrunken Für die adlig holde Maid. Welchem aber von den beiden Wendet sich ihr Herze zu? Kein Ergrübeln kanns entscheiden - Schwert heraus, entscheide du! Und sie fechten kühn verwegen, Hieb auf Hiebe niederkrachts. Hütet euch, ihr wilden Degen, Böses Blendwerk schleicht des Nachts. Wehe! Wehe! blutge Brüder! Wehe! Wehe! blutges Tal! Beide Kämpfer stürzen nieder, Einer in des andern Stahl. - Viel Jahrhunderte verwehen, Viel Geschlechter deckt das Grab; Traurig von des Berges Höhen Schaut das öde Schloß herab. Aber nachts, im Talesgrunde, Wandelts heimlich, wunderbar; Wenn da kommt die zwölfte Stunde, Kämpfet dort das Brüderpaar.
(Heinrich Heine, Two brothers, from "Buch der lieder")
andie nachgeborenen <andie_nachgeborenen at yahoo.com> wrote:
--- Alfred Landman wrote:
> Preis-frage (prize? price?) an-die-nach-geborenen
> (an die nachgeburt* ??):
> What's your gut feeling: Those creatures running
> (on) PUMA (too)?
> http://tinyurl.com/2wrxyf
> Alfred Landman
> { * google it; a tasty one }
I am not sure of your point here, I know what die Nachgeburt is, since I speak German, are you being deliberately crude and ugly?
My tag is from Brecht's An die Nachgeborenen, To Those Born Later. You can look it up. I've explained on these archives or you can google it if you don't know it.
As for sweatshop workers making fancy tennis shoes, I'm opposed to sweatshops. I confess to having a couple of sets of gym shoes that probably made under sweatshop conditions. That's not part of my fashion-platery.
I know of no reason to think that the craftspeople who make high end clothing are sweatshop workers; I've seen their tailor shops in Italy and here in some instances. They are a lot more like William Morris' skilled artisans. I don't know how they are paid, but somehow I doubt if you get that kind of work out of near-slave labor. They sure as hell dress well enough.
Oddly enough the anti-fashion-plate types would seem to think it more fitting for leftists to wear cheap clothes churned out in China under sweatshop conditions that Italian, English, or French fashion made my artisan tailors with decent working conditions and pay. And in Chicago, where they make Oxxford suits, unions.
Ironically George W, Bush favors Oxxford suits, but not, I presume, union needleworkers.
Joseph Abboud is also Union and for those care about such things, US-made:
To be quite honest, the lower-end lines of many high-fashion outfits do sweatshop production in Asia, thus Gucci:
or Armani Exchange:
But not Armani Collezione, Black Label, or Classico, which are made in Italy or (sometimes Spain). I wouldn't wear A/X for lots of resaons, that being one of them.
Counterfeits and fakes are often made in Asia with child labor.
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