When the U.S. recession hits home next year, you'll see lots of middle class Americans who will have to think about this. I'm sure that many of them will automatically blame their joblessness and economic problems on themselves--that's what they are taught to do and reinforced by friends and family.
Barbara Ehrenreich's book Nickel and Dimed examined this issue with its look at middle class professionals mired in the job market. When people weren't busy blaming themselves, they could get sucked into the industry designed to make money off of their job searches.
It's much easier to survive joblessness when you understand that the situation is mostly our of your control. This lessens the stress and helps you retain your confidence and dignity.
Now, if Americans would figure out collectively that the forces which run the system run their lives, they might be inspired to take collective action.
I just hope they stay away from the Left, because they'll get disempowered by shit like the 9/11 "truth movement", campaigns for left field candidates, blaming Karl Rove, whining about Bush, getting people to honk their car horns if they oppose the war, and the other typical ineffective shit.