[lbo-talk] MySQL to go public

Andy F andy274 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 11:33:16 PST 2007

On 2/2/07, Carrol Cox <cbcox at ilstu.edu> wrote:
> Andy F wrote:
> >
> > Please explain, using *current* examples, how Linux is particularly
> > demanding on a user. Mind you, most nonskilled people I know have
> > never installed or even reinstalled Windows on their own, either.
> Exactly -- and I'm never going to install an operating system either.
> There has been a reinstallation on my machine, but Jan (my wife) did
> that. I would no more try to monkey with an operating system myself than
> I would try to rewire the whole house or rebuild an auto engine.

You compare reinstalling Windows to rewiring the house, and then note that your wife did the former. How is she at rebuilding auto engines?

My point here is that people make a big deal out of the process of installing Linux. Fine, you can have somebody else do it. If your Windows PC gets bogged down with malware, you may very well have to have somebody reinstall Windows too. Happens all the time. What's the functional difference? What makes Linux harder for the user? Unless you just have to have your malware.

As far as the GUI being different, so is a Mac's. You can code assembly and and still stumble around on a Mac's GUI. That doesn't make a Mac super elite user hostile. It's a matter of what you grew up with (ha ha). And you don't have to be tech wizard to switch between a Mac and Windows -- I realize it helps to be younger.

-- Andy

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