In short, this means that if you're a user and you want to run Vista virtually, you MUST buy the highest end versions of Vista, or you'll be in violation of the Microsoft EULA.
and in the thread titled "Windows Vista as Neoliberal Instrument":
Over the last 5 years, MSFT has gained roughly 0%, while the S&P 500 is up over 30%, and the Nasdaq slightly more. Apple is up some 600%. The Vista rollout has had no impact on the stock. It may have been priced in already, but in that case, not much oomph has gone into the valuation models.
It's rumored that MSFT is keenly aware of nearing the end of the easily derived profits rainbow it has long glided on with its current business model.
This is why, the story goes, we're seeing moves such as cozying up to Hollywood via an apparently maximum paranoia implementation of AACS, talk about modularizing (and therefore, making individually purchasable) OS functions that have long been built-in, such as networking, in future Windows releases, the virtualiation restricting EULA, the heavy investment in gaming and the "XBox Live" platform Willy Greenfields mentioned, and so on.
All of these actions are designed, it seems, to create new and robust revenue streams that can survive market changes that might 'IBM-a-nize' (i.e., render comparatively irrelevant) Microsoft.
Links -
MSFT Patent application for a "System and method for delivery of a modular operating system"
Tiny URL (with preview of URL so you'll know it isn't spam'ed) -
I've told you a million times...never repeat yourself.
Papa Smurf ......................