[lbo-talk] damned intellectuals

Doug Henwood dhenwood at panix.com
Sun Feb 11 21:09:53 PST 2007

[from Peter Appelbome's column in the NYT]

Then, in a decidedly less consequential matter, Yale hit an unwanted news jackpot after a blog called IvyGate reported on a titillating, if somewhat inscrutable, e-mail message sent by the master of Yale's Calhoun College to its residents.

Under the subject line "Shower Stalls Are for Showering," he gently took an unidentified couple to task for repeatedly using the showers for more intimate acts than applying soap to wet skin.

"Last night, the shower flooded and the bathroom could not be used for over 90 minutes," he wrote, raising more questions than he answered. He added, "This may be pleasurable and exciting for you, but it is a violation of community standards. Please stop."

The tale shot up the media food chain and to the Internet. On one conservative Web site, a Yale student, Dan Gelernter, said the story reflected "the moral vacuum that has been created by Yale intellectuals," where "students seem to be left without even the most basic guidelines for proper and decent behavior."

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