[lbo-talk] Anti-Globalization and Anti-War Movements in the USA

Yoshie Furuhashi critical.montages at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 16:22:35 PST 2007

On 2/12/07, Chuck <chuck at mutualaid.org> wrote:
> The global trade talks were derailed, which
> has been pointed out by numerous people.

The derailing has been mainly due to the Northern agricultural lobby wishing to keep agricultural subsidies, IMHO.

On 2/12/07, wrobert at uci.edu <wrobert at uci.edu> wrote:
> ACT-UP took a decentralized approach that brought
> together direct action with concrete calls for reform. At the same time,
> ACT-UP folks were able to produce highly charged events with very small
> numbers. Also, this managed to produce very concrete accomplishments
> around treatment (although these are still insufficient.) I think that a
> lot of ACT-UP's methods translated into the anti-globalization, such as
> theatricality, flexibility, and a multiplicity of tactics.

What has worked for the top half of ACT-UP's domestic constituency doesn't work so well to achieve international debt cancellation, let alone close the economic gap between the North and the South. -- Yoshie <http://montages.blogspot.com/> <http://mrzine.org> <http://monthlyreview.org/>

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