[lbo-talk] Soros responds, then Peretz

wrobert at uci.edu wrobert at uci.edu
Tue Feb 20 14:39:12 PST 2007

On the other hand, there was a substantial social democratic governing class in the Weimar period. I am not sure of the answer, but it would be interesting to find out how much of the members of that infrastructure were still around in the country in '45. I know that the DDR, while not escaping entirely from using former Nazis in the regime, managed to use much less in the structure.

robert wood

> Could be. I speculate the practicality issue would
> also be a major factor -- in a society like Nazi
> Germany or the USSR in the 1930s, you could not be in
> any position of influence or power, even at the local
> level, without being a member of the NSDAP (this is my
> understanding of Nazi Germany, anyway). This means
> that the only people with any actual experience in
> governing would be former NSDAP members. Sorta like
> the Ba'ath in Iraq, and we know what a great success
> de-Ba'athization has been. :)

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