I always love poking in at the list to witness hetero/sexist bullshit.
I post this figuring that no one will read, but at least Bryan will!
Shame Affirmative (On Queer Theory/Sex Positive Sensibilities, History of Feministm, etc.) http://blog.pulpculture.org/2007/01/01/shame-affirmative-redux/
Why the Name Queer Dewd: http://blog.pulpculture.org/2007/01/04/why-queer-dewd/
And a follow up on Janet Halley's work, the reason for my latest multinomious transformation. andie hated it for its marxist old skool rhetoric: http://blog.pulpculture.org/2007/01/06/convergentist-problem/
Queer Dewd: Where Feminists Can Suck My Delicate, Feminine Cock! http://blog.pulpculture.org