[lbo-talk] Pain/pleasure paradox not that mysterious ?

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Tue Jan 9 14:11:27 PST 2007

It might not be that complicated. The body sends out special pleasure drugs -endorphines, epinephrine,norepinephrine - when a person suffers pain ! Natural painkillers. So obviously , a way to get your body to generate pleasuremakers/analgesics is to first suffer pain. The key would be to keep the pain to a certain minimum. It's not that pain itself is simultaneously pleasurable, but the body _counters and overcomes_ pain through giving itself subsequent higher than normal levels of pleasure.

So, masochists may not like pain. They like the _natural_ pleasure rush the body gives which follows pain. This is an "essentialist", natural, biologicial, physiological explanation of masochism. Take that, you post-modernists ! Masochists merely play a trick on their bodies.

This could not only partially explain masochism, but, the pleasure of hardwork (essentialist explanation of work ethic), the self-flagellation of Christian zealots, the "good hurt" athletes feel, the very pleasant experiences reported by those who have near death experiences.

I recently realized something similar probably explains the pleasure of thrills from being scared such as parachuting, bungy jumping, roller coaster rides, scary movies. It's a natural, and probably adaptive response to facing a very fearful experience. Being naturally "juiced up" enhances the body's ability to make flight or fight responses to fear or being hurt

Ain't science grand ?

Gives new meaning to the old joke: Why is that man hitting himself in the head with a hammer? Because it feels so good when he stops.



The biology of S&M

Pain , violence , sex and love all are associated with the release of a variety of hormones and chemicals within the human body . Furthermore, humans have been shown to exhibit sympathetic responses in their bodies while watching, hearing, or imagining such experiences.

* Levels of sex hormone testosterone can be temporarily affected by one's role S&M interactions. Dominant participants often get raised testosterone levels; whereas submissive participants often get depressed testosterone levels.

* Endorphins <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endorphin> are released by pain experiences and can be perceived as pleasurable and possibly psychologically addictive . It is due to this same release of endorphins that people can become addicted to self harm . In this way, the acts of self harm and engaging in masochistic behavior can be similar in function though most would agree, not in causality.

* Brain chemicals such as serotonin <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serotonin> and melatonin <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melatonin> can be affected by emotional or stressful experiences.

* Epinephrine <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epinephrine> and norepinephrine <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norepinephrine> are released during stressful or painful experiences, and can cause a pleasurable 'rush'.

The effects of S&M on body chemistry probably reinforce the behavior and therefore create psychological states that seek to further such behavior.

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