[lbo-talk] Encyclopedia

Yoshie Furuhashi critical.montages at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 01:19:51 PST 2007

On 1/9/07, Jim Straub <rustbeltjacobin at gmail.com> wrote:
> (I wish whatever yoshiepedia she uses during these debates
> would be offered by google someday)

The idea of encyclopedia, so eighteenth-century, is sexy, or so I would like to think. :->

> Sadism and Sadrism, from one day to the next.

For the world needs the Enlightenment and Islam:

"Volviendo al comienzo: el mundo islámico de 2006 necesita muchos Voltaire para salir de su atraso, ignorancia y de las luchas sectarias que le desgarran. El cambio de estatus de la mujer, este subproducto nocivo de raíz bíblica -- la fórmula es mía, no de Voltaire -- constituye un instrumento indispensable para todo proyecto modernizador y algunos pasos recientes en la buena dirección deben ser alentados. Pero, junto al Voltaire radical en su lucha contra la intolerancia, hay mucho que aprender también del que se esforzó en analizar con pragmatismo la diversidad y antinomias de las sociedades musulmanas de su siglo, por muy diferentes que sean de las del nuevo milenio. Nada peor para nuestro futuro que recurrir, como los doctrinarios exaltados de hoy, al viejo espíritu de las Cruzadas" (Juan Goytisolo, "Voltaire y el islam," El País, 4 May 2006, <http://independent.typepad.com/elindependent/2006/05/voltaire_y_el_i.html>).

Returning to the beginning: the Islamic world of 2006 needs many Voltaires to leave behind its ignorance, backwardness, and sectarian battles that are tearing it up. Change in women's status, an injurious byproduct of the Biblical origin -- the formula is mine, not Voltaire's -- constitutes an indispensable instrument for any modernizing project, and some recent steps in the good direction must be encouraged. But, next to the radical Voltaire in his battle against intolerance, there is also much to learn from the Voltaire who endeavored to pragmatically analyze the diversity and antinomies of Muslim societies of his century, no matter how different they are from those of the new millennium. Nothing worse for our future than to resort, like the exalted doctrinaires of today, to the old spirit of the Crusades. -- Yoshie <http://montages.blogspot.com/> <http://mrzine.org> <http://monthlyreview.org/>

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