And don't tell me that "every four years the whole left abandons independent activities to support the Democrats," I have not seen this. The electorally focused people do what they always do. The movement focused people mainly stick with that. The election gets people involved --most of whom don't stay involved -- in both. And there's a lot of activity that is essential but hard to classify as either, like lobbying.
The fact is that purist protest politics are just a feelgood self indulgence if that's all that happens, except in the rare times when they catch fire and become movements. And then the results, if any, of those movements have to be institutionalized, which means electoral politics.
And, in fact, outside of a small circle of places where Greens and such can get only city council or win assembly seats, or independents like Saunders can leverage local progressivism, charisma, and constituent service into real positions of power, that means Democratic Party politics. The places where that is possible are few and far between. As Dab Lazare and other have explained, the system is rigged.
Maybe if you can't stomach that you should be doing something else, we need people doing all sorts of things, but please let's avoid the more-pure, more principled, and more radical than thou debate this time around? Futile hope.
> On 1/20/07, andie nachgeborenen
> <andie_nachgeborenen at> wrote:
> > So absolutism works so well? Don't vote, vote for
> the
> > Socialist Party or Nader. Let McCain win. That
> worked
> > so well too. We are faced with ugly and unappy
> > choices. I have been on both sides of this --
> yours
> > for 15 years. I don't know the right answer. Are
> you
> > sure you do?
> I thought principled leftists did the obvious thing:
> assume the game
> is rigged (which it is) and act strategically.
> (Bringing out important
> issues during the primaries, doing whatever tactical
> voting thing,
> etc.)
> Tayssir
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