> Americans never had "a class-based politics" independent of white
> supremacy, so they couldn't have taken flight from what they didn't
> have.
Never is a slight overstatement. There have been moments - some of the populists, for example. Not all, for sure, but some. Recalling that is a nice antidote to hopelessness, which is always very tempting.
Doug ************* Right and it seems to me that getting social security, unemployment insurance and the 40 hour work week were a result of class based politics which benefited ALL identities. Let's knock off some more surplus value from the control of the capitalist class and get a shorter work week; RAISE social security payments by taxing the obscene wealth of the bourgeoisie; and use some of that taxed wealth to give support payments to the actually existing unemployed, not just the workers who somehow "qualify" for payments.
Regards, Mike B)
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