UPDATE 3-Campbell to start Russia, China soup sales http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSN0928240820070709?sp=true
Mon Jul 9, 2007
(Adds details, quotes, byline)
By Nichola Groom
LOS ANGELES, July 9 (Reuters) - Campbell Soup Co. (CPB.N: Quote, Profile, Research) laid out plans on Monday to start selling its iconic soups in Russia and China, the world's largest soup consuming markets and two of its fastest-growing economies.
Campbell, which pared back its international business in recent years to focus on boosting sales in North America, said soup servings in Russia and China far exceeded those of the United States, representing a big opportunity for the company to increase revenue. http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSN0928240820070709?sp=true