[lbo-talk] Demand for yellow ribbons collapses

Carl Remick carlremick at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 3 07:16:16 PST 2007

>From: "Steven L. Robinson" <srobin21 at comcast.net>
>Yellow ribbons dwindle with war support
>By Andrew Ward in Atlanta
>Financial Times
>... When the company was founded in April 2003, during the initial invasion
>Iraq, nearly all its revenues came from yellow ribbons. Today, patriotic
>products account for only 6 per cent of sales.
>The yellow ribbon has been overtaken as the company's best-selling product
>by a wristband promoting chastity before marriage with the slogan "True

Hallelujah. At least eros, not thanatos, is back in the driver's seat zietgeist-wise. Conceivably, so to speak, we're on the glide path for a mass restoration of inspiring slogans like "Make love, not war" and "If it feels good, do it." Perhaps the day is foreseeable when Americans will sport little magnetic dildos on their cars.


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