More rural and less urban. See? (Cf. "War Losses Mount for Small Towns," <>)
And if you look at war fighters in war zones (as opposed to those with support duties), you'd find white guys from rural areas even more overrepresented than in the military as a whole: "while whites and blacks seek out careers in communications, intelligence, the medical corps and other specialties in roughly equal numbers, blacks are two and a half times as likely to fill support or administrative roles, while whites are 50 percent more likely to serve in the infantry, gun crews or their naval equivalent" (David M. Halbfinger and Steven A. Holmes, "Military Mirrors Working-Class America," New York Times, 30 March 2003, <>).
White guys from small towns are the type of Americans who tend to be most overlooked by American leftists, most of whom prefer urban living. -- Yoshie <> <> <>