Yes. The USA is the Saudi Arabia of coal in reserves: "The United States has the world's largest known coal reserves, about 267.6 billion short tons. This is enough coal to last approximately 236 years at today's level of use" ("Coal -- A Fossil Fuel," <>).
The US ruling class, left to their own devices, would sooner re-invest in coal than in cleaner technology like solar and wind: "DOE's budget authority for energy R&D, when adjusted for inflation, fell 85 percent from its peak in fiscal year 1978 to fiscal year 2005. . . . [T]he nation's dependence on conventional fossil fuels remains virtually the same as 30 years ago" ("Advanced Energy Technologies: Key Challenges to Their Development and Deployment," GAO-07-550T, 28 February 2007, <>). -- Yoshie <> <> <>