> Such denunciatory diatribes have generally an opposite effect on me -
> exposed to them I tend to identify with the denounced practice or
> institution more than I ordinarily would, and I am less sympathetic toward
> the proposed 'alternative' than I ordinarily would be. I wonder if others
> have similar reactions, and if so, if denunciatory diatribe is really a
> clever marketing ploy to sell the mainstream practices and institutions.
> Wojtek
Ah but this just makes you a reactionaries reactionary. Why would not your
reaction be to attempt to grab the rational kernel in the diatribe and move
on to a more subtle analysis. Also have you noticed that your reaction is
precisely the reaction that lefty's and right's have. That is, the right
drones on about the Evils of Iran and then someone on the left celebrates
the Iranian regime as an anti-imperialist force. How is this any different
the your reaction: "I tend to identify with the denounced practice or
institution" ?