[lbo-talk] Can the Media Say "Single Payer?"

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Tue Mar 27 15:05:28 PDT 2007

Apparently not. A conspiracy of silence vis a vis Kucinich and really any candidate who does not toe the dominant line of enriching the "health" insurance capitalists.

Regards, Mike B)


It is amazing how far the media goes to exclude proposals for a universal Medicare type system from public debate. Yesterday, in an article (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/24/AR2007032401079.html)

reporting on a Democratic presidential candidate forum, the Post told readers that "Edwards was the only candidate who came to the forum having put forth a specific plan for universal coverage and said it would cost $90 billion to $120

billion a year."

This is not true. Representative Dennis Kucinich has put forward a detailed plan for a universal Medicare system that has been introduced as a bill in prior sessions of Congress. This can be verified by a quick look at Mr. Kucinich's wesbite (http://kucinich.us/issues/universalhealth.php).

I know that Kucinich is not considered a major candidate, but he was at the forum and article did mention him. Since Kucinich has been proposing a universal Medicare system since at least his last presidential run in 2004, and has actually introduced legislation in Congress that would establish such a system, any reporter covering this issue should at least know that he has a specific plan for universal coverage.

On the topic of "single-payer," the NYT coverage (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/25/us/politics/25dems.html?ex=1332475200&en=6ce90d740744216a&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss)

of this forum also left me confused. It reported that, "another candidate, former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska, called for 'a universal single-payer plan.' He said he would give people vouchers, which could be used to pay doctors and hospitals, and a choice of five or six health plans." I'm not quite sure how you have a "single-payer" system with five or six plans.

--Dean Baker

Posted at 08:29 AM | 6 Comments

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