[lbo-talk] transition

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Thu May 3 13:14:32 PDT 2007

Dennis Claxton

Charles wrote:

> Probably not too many Black people say "Y'all come back now,

Right. But I was emphasizing the use of y'all, which provides something the queen's English lost when "ye" became archaic.

^^^^ CB: Hadn't thought about relation to "ye". I always thought of it as a contraction of "you all". Some people say "you all" , I think. "Y'all" is definitely a famous Southern lexical item.

>Do these white people say "in a minute" ?

Yes, but I'm not sure in what context you're referring to.

^^^^ CB: As in "in a minute , y'all", which is equivalent to "see you later".

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