[lbo-talk] Why is America so violent

Tayssir John Gabbour tayssir.john at googlemail.com
Sun May 13 17:58:03 PDT 2007

On 5/14/07, Marvin Gandall <marvgandall at videotron.ca> wrote:
> The line between work and leisure has been blurred, if not obliterated, in
> the service economy, especially among technical and professional workers,
> and especially since the internet has effectively broken down the separation
> between the workplace and the home (and the car and the cottage).
> Consequently, the increased stress people subjectively experience may have
> an objective basis - to wit, that effectively they bring their work home
> with them, whether they actually perform it, worry about it, or have the
> vague sense of always being on call via cellphone or email from bosses and
> colleagues.

Yeah, many software programmer contracts forbid employees from working on other commercial projects, like a little side-business. Not because of secrets, but because you "can't serve two masters" adequately, as I remember a high-profile pundit once put it.

Companies can't extract your creative energies so well when you have other things on your plate, even if there's no time conflict.


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