But instead, let me recommend the Thirtieth Anniversary volume of Hillel Ticktin's excellent journal of socialist thought, Critique - and not just because my piece on the European economy is in it, but also because of
* an excellent paper on car-workers' struggles in Iran - which I recommend to everyone, but Yoshie in particular. I think that David and Yassamine Mather aim to re-focus socialist attentions to the position of the Iranian workers. Certainly the effect is to diminish the orientalist interpretations of Iranian society as "other".
* Loren Goldner's fascinating account of the Trotskyism of the young Max Eastman which rightly celebrates his struggle against Stalinism (though I though Loren rather undersold his later work for the Readers' Digest, which, if it was depressingly anti-Communist, was still rooted in his belief in the common man, and in social progress).
* Peter Kennedy's Marxist analysis of trends in further education in terms of surplus time and labour markets
* Norman Levine argues Engels' misread Hegel
* Hillel Ticktin on the state of Marxism today
and much, much more
http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/03017605.asp http://www.critiquejournal.net/index.html