[lbo-talk] The Matrix

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Thu May 31 08:09:25 PDT 2007

C. Grimes:

I was so depressed today I ordered Ubuntu following the bot symbiot dot D dot and his pal in Jersey the shy R. You guys remind me of a famous jazz album, Oliver Nelson's Blues and the Abstract Truth. Beautiful then, beautiful now---as I watch the little green lights on my new DSL modem.


At some point during his most recent South by Southwest (SXSW) rant, Bruce Sterling (see link below if you're unfamiliar) talked about the chief difference between settled, docile tech and unruly tech. To sum it up, the difference is pain. Unruly tech produces it. In FOSSlandia, pleasure often follows that pain but we shouldn't sugar coat the obvious: it can be excruciating to get things going.

The more painful it is, the more unruly - and, it often but not always follows, creatively liberating - the technology is.

So Ubuntu, now bundled by Dell on three of their machines, has achieved an impressively high level of smoothness. It's just about ready for your peg legged Grandpa. Like a self aware teenage boy, Ubuntu does a good job of hiding its messiness...mostly. Wireless can still be a struggle but that's what your friendly neighborhood forums are for.

But there's a trade off - it's easier to use but not necessarily as useful as a pure learning platform.

Thus did the gods fashion FreeBSD.

Links ----

Who's Bruce Sterling?





Listen before I go, on a non-tech note I have a bonbon to share.

An LA based friend, a successful television writer and martini soaked hot dog eater, is shopping a reality show around. I don't blame him; the money's nice and if the show is bought and takes off he might gather the necessary mojo to do what he'd really like to do (some epic thing for HBO).

Still, I'm slightly perturbed.

Because I'm over the age of 9, I think reality shows should be banned.

But before Congress attends to that urgent matter (more urgent than C02 emissions control or figuring out what the hell the Dept. of Homeland Security is actually for) there should be one final reality show, broadcast on every network.

This show is set on a volcanic island. If a natural one isn't available we can build a replica.

E-list celebs, wannabe singers, wannabe dancers, wannabe directors, trading spousing families, Valtrex popping heiresses...

All are helicoptered to the island and given tasks related to their particular characteristics. For example, the wannabe singers must try to shatter glass - if they fail, man eating iguanas are released.

Are iguanas man eating? Tune in and find out.

The working title is Failed Celebrity and Clawing Aspirant Island of Doom

"Doom?" Paris asks, as she steps off the chopper. "Don't worry" the amiable host replies "doom is the word people used in the 14th century for delicious ice cream." Paris claps with chimpanzee glee.

At series end, a tactical nuclear weapon is launched from a Poseidon class sub which has been lurking, submerged, the whole time.

The amiable host, safely observing the mushroom cloud from the deck of a carrier miles away, takes a sip of his champagne.


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