[lbo-talk] more bad sex-offender law

John Thornton jthorn65 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 27 14:28:49 PST 2007

Dennis Claxton wrote:
> The way the U.S. handles this problem speaks
> volumes I think. We keep piling on boredom
> therapy, penile plethysmographs, and prison with
> intensive post-release supervision while the elephant in the room just yawns.

This suggests you believe you know of a way to handle the problem in an effective manner. I don't but I do agree the stuff you posted is totally ineffective.

Is the consensus today that pedophilia is socially conditioned or are people born pedophiles? Since most of our society embraces the idea that queers are "born that way" I assume pedophilia should be treated the same way. Teaching how not to act on such desires is different than trying to eliminate those desires. Something I don't think is possible.

John Thornton

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