Where did the idea that AA's are being steered towards combat jobs? The last I read AA's were underrepresented in casualties. 69% of the military is Anglo but 74.3% of the casualties are while AA's comprise 12.3% of the military but have 9.6% of the casualties. Asians are 3.7% of the military but suffer 1.8% of the casualties. Hispanics are 12.5% and suffer 10.7% of the casualties. NA's are 1% and suffer 1.1% of the casualties. Unfortunately NA's are still joining in large numbers and are overrepresented in the military by: Air Force +160% Army +140% Navy +16.7% I don't know why the Navy is so much lower than the other branches. For those who don't know the Marines are part of the Navy but I didn't find a breakout for the Marines separately.
John Thornton