[lbo-talk] Wealth Psychologists

B. docile_body at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 10 06:25:35 PDT 2007

This is one thing that raises my ire like few others.

The idea that, rich or poor, we all have worries, get depressed, equally, and the underlying notion is that money ain't the root of it, or it's really irrelevant to happiness -- 'cuz even rich folks get sad and have depression. If the money doesn't matter, then pass it to me, for heaven's sake! Russ Cargill in The Simpsons Movie: "Why did I become head of the EPA? Because I'm a rich man, and I wanted to give something back. Not the money. But something."

No one forces a gun to someone's head and forces them to be wealthy. Or to have a high paying profession and its attendant rates of stress, etc. But folks often act like they are *forced* to be rich and have all its, uh, attending "problems."

(Likewise, no one forces police officers to be cops. I think startups in law enforcement have a notion of what that profession will entail, no? Like chasing crooks. Yet when they actually chase crooks, they act like it's insane, unheard of, preposterous, in interviews.)


andie nachgeborenen wrote:

"Problems more people wish they had . . . http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071009/bs_nm/wealth_summit_psychologists_dc

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