[lbo-talk] Iranian sexual regime

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Thu Oct 11 10:20:22 PDT 2007

If you read Blaizon on queer Islamic undercurrents <http://persiansodomycodes.org/p-blaizon> you'll find that far from the idealized (and empire-friendly) Western liberal concept of "gay culture," the Persian queer masses overwhelmingly prefer religious subjugation, even punishment, especially if this enhances the sexual moment and intensifies physical pleasure. Further- more, Lyle and Resten's six-volume study on punishment fetishes that are related to religious fervor and societal taboos <http://caningsuppleflesh.com/welts> reveals hundreds of cases where gay Islamic men welcome being beaten, up to and including producing underground porn that celebrates this arrangement. For arrogant Western liberals and leftists, especially those in the political queer movements, this merely amounts to some kind of religious "persecution," which of course gives the imperial state the opening it needs to pursue regime change in Iran, and elsewhere in the Islamic world. As Sinda Parlavi eloquently puts it in her latest book, "The Measure of Pain, The Pleasure of God": "[W]hen looked at with Western eyes, the beatings of gay men in Islamic countries, primarily in Iran, seem analagous to 'gay bashing' in the rural south, or on a dark city street. Hangings, too, are denounced, especially if a hanging ends in death. But what may appear as abuse is in reality a deeper love and commitment to social morality that pre-dates the Western concept of 'liberty' and 'identity politics.' If anything, the Western sexual liberationists are the true perverters of solid same-sex values that have not only held together families, tribes, even nations, but have provided societal/sexual balance in societies far older and wiser than those societies that believe sexual truth may be found only in gaudy street parades, on crowded dance floors, and in anonymous sexual trysts that are oftentimes incubators for disease." <http://sindaparlavi.net/measure-pleasure/pg237>


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