[lbo-talk] Tariq Ali and the Bolivarian revolutions

andie nachgeborenen andie_nachgeborenen at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 16:51:26 PDT 2007

Just went to an interesting talk by Tariq Ali, mostly on the middle east and the state of the Western left, but Ali has written a new book, Pirates of the Caribbean: Axis of Hope, and remarked that the real center of anticapitalist resistance to imperialism these days in in the northern arc of Latin America and the Caribbean. This brought home how shamefully little I know about all that, but it has a ring of truth. Why try to make a red flag out of a burqua when you have actual self-proclaimed socialists in power and kicking imperialist ass in Latin America? Seems to me that is much more productive as a place to focus. Of course we have to oppose continued and and extended war in the Middle East, but if we are looking for hope, it's more likely to be found in Venezuela and Bolivia than in Iran.

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