Subject: [Marxism] The fight inside Respect From: Ethan Young <ethanyoung at> Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2007 23:29:11 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
I call readers' attention to the current fight in the UK electoral group Respect. The group is the most successful attempt at a left alternative to Labour, having elected George Galloway, an outspoken critic of the war and defender of Muslim communities, to Parliament. The group also includes the SWP, the UK's largest Leninist formation which formerly affiliated [being polite here] with the ISO.
The fight comes down around the role of the SWP, which has dominated the national office and is now accused of engaging in rule-or-ruin tactics. Criticisms of SWP from leading Respect members, including Galloway and Muslim activist Salma Yaqoob, have led to a showdown. Several long-time SWP members who challenged their leaders' circle- the-wagons line were summarilly expelled. Things are coming to a head fast, but the story unfolds in a series of posts at the left blog
Since many Respect members are experienced with the Bolshevik-wannabe approach to broad groups, the response has been less dismay than determination to get things in order in democratic fashion. There may be some useful lessons for the US left.
ethan young