[lbo-talk] Michael Lerner tattles: the state of the

Jim Straub rustbeltjacobin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 11:06:47 PDT 2007

Chuck, how about the last 'shutdown' you worked on, the dc 'general strike', which had miniscule participation, and virtually no support from the residents of dc who are not anti-globalization activists. Despite your claims of insurrection pending, it didn't 'shut down' anything more than the parking lot of a panera.

With a track record like that, I would be concerned about my credibility as a militant. You on the other hand, randomly advocate a form of shutdown that, in attempting to corner a vital munitions plant in the middle of hostile territory, would be universally hated by the public, and in the unlikely event it was able to attract enough activists to even slow down a single supply delivery for half an hour would be crushed by armed forces of the state with actual, literal, violence. How conversant are you with firearms, chuck? Because if you ever attempted to do some of the things you regularly call on others to do, the police and/or marines would shoot at you and any families or friends unlucky enough to be near you, and I suspect you probably wouldn't be much able to shoot back.

But instead of pausing before you hit the send button on such exhortations, you instead accuse those militants with a more sane attitude towards struggle and conflict who point out what the state would do to you, of being pro-war.

One's mid-forties are awful late to start growing up, but you ought to make a go of it, man. You're tolerated by fewer and fewer in even your own milleu every year, and have resigned from this list twice in the past few months in outrage against being spoken to reasonably by comrades, only to come slinking back later, briefly polite and reasonable, only to later on lapse back into immaturity and call joanna a christopher hitchens because she (factually and correctly) pointed out that the dangerous action you just demanded others do would in fact end with your spending a lifetime in jail at best.

Joanna has all the credibility and integrity as a militant and revolutionary in the world. How many would say the same of you, Chuck? Are there any, at all, left, anywhere? You're turning into kevin keatin, man.

> joanna wrote:
> > Also, you'll be put away for the next 25 years as a terrorist....
> If a mass civil disobedience campaign against a factory is being
> dismissed here as leading to terrorism charges, then we might as well
> not bother opposing the war on the U.S. war machine.
> That's a comfortable position to take. Perhaps the next step is to join
> with Hitchens and start rationalizing the war.
> Chuck

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