[lbo-talk] Targeting Empire?

Robert Wrubel bobwrubel at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 07:43:35 PDT 2007

--- Yoshie Furuhashi <critical.montages at gmail.com> wrote:

> In contrast, today, a war between the USA and
> Germany is unthinkable,
> for the German power elite, as well as the other
> European and Japanese
> power elites, who may be said to have roughly the
> same social base as
> the US power elite, do not seek to compete with them
> for global
> hegemony.
> The age of inter-imperialist wars is over. Now
> there is only one
> empire, the one led by the US power elite, and this
> empire is
> multinational, consisting of the USA itself and
> other countries that
> have attained roughly the same level of economic
> development, namely
> Europe and Japan.
> Wars today never happen between two or more advanced
> capitalist > countries

This is like saying Democrats and Republicans are two wings of the same party. Plausible today, but subject to change. Europe could easily move into the Russian orbit. China I suppose could dominate Asia and attract Japan into its orbit. The US today seems capable of lashing out militarily against anyone who threatens its last toehold on power, oil.


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