<div>Hopefully some participants in this conversation will find this interesting, and possibly attend it.</div>
<div> </div>
<div><span class="q" id="q_111a4a695451161a_0">---------- Forwarded message ----------<br><span class="gmail_quote">From: <b class="gmail_sendername">Jerome Ringo, Apollo Alliance</b> <<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="mailto:info@apolloalliance.org">
info@apolloalliance.org</a>><br>Date: Mar 30, 2007 4:53 PM <br>Subject: Join Us to Build a Global Movement for Clean Energy<br>To: Joseph Catron <<a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="mailto:jncatron@gmail.com">
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<p>Dear Joseph Catron,</p>
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<p><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/events/climateChangeConference/index.html"><img src="http://img.getactivehub.com/gv2/custom_images/ourfuture2/North_american_assembly.gif" border="0">
<p><strong>Event:</strong> A North American Labor Assembly on Climate Crisis- Building a Global Movement for Clean Energy<span></span> </p>
<p><strong>Date:</strong> May 7th and 8th, 2007</p>
<p><strong>Location:</strong> <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="http://www.uft.org/about/uft_headquarters/">United Federation of Teachers</a> - 52 Broadway, New York City</p>
<p align="left"><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/events/climateChangeConference/registration.html"><strong>Register Now</strong>
<p>With all the recent momentum on clean energy and efforts to reduce the risk of climate change, the importance and need for a broad movement for clean energy is clear. Coming fresh off of our <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="http://home.apolloalliance.org/">
National Summit</a> where we convened over 150 leaders from business, environmental, labor, and social justice communities in Washington, DC to discuss Apollo's agenda for clean energy and good jobs, we are now proud to sponsor the
<strong>North American Labor Assembly on Climate Crisis</strong>. </p>
<p>This year's international conference will focus on <strong>"Building a Global Movement for Clean Energy."</strong> Organized by the <strong>Cornell Global Labor Institute</strong>, the conference will take place in
<strong>New York City from May 7th – 8th</strong>. The conference is likely to be the largest and most representative trade union conference on the environment and global warming ever organized.</p>
<p><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/events/climateChangeConference/index.html">Click here for background and registration information.
<p>With trade union leaders from over 20 countries, including Brazil, South Africa, Bangladesh as well as several European countries, the Apollo Alliance encourages our labor partners to participate in this conference. In addition to labor representatives, progressive energy policy experts and representatives from the environmental movement will also be present. See below for a list of confirmed speakers.
<span></span> </p>
<p>Joining the Apollo Alliance as sponsors are the United Steelworkers, Canadian Auto Workers, United Nations Environment Programme, the American Federation of Teachers, UNITE HERE!, the Energy Foundation, 1199/SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, SEIU 32BJ and other organizations.
<p>The conference organizers are appealing for additional sponsors. <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/globallaborinstitute/events/climateChangeConference/sponsors.html">
Click here for sponsorship information.</a> <br>For more information, please contact Dan Cerio at <a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" target="_blank" href="mailto:cornellgli@gmail.com">cornellgli@gmail.com
</a> or (212) 340-2861.</p>
<p><img src="http://img.getactivehub.com/gv2/custom_images/ourfuture2/ringo_sig_3.jpg" border="0"><br>Jerome Ringo<br>President, Apollo Alliance</p>
<p align="center"><font size="3"><strong>Confirmed speakers include:</strong></font></p>
<p><strong>From the U.S. and Canadian labor movements:</strong></p>
<p>*Leo Gerard, President, United Steelworkers <br>*Randi Weingarten, President, United Federation of Teachers Local 100 <br>*Ed Ott, Ex. Dir., NY Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO <br>*Roger Toussaint, Pres, TWU Local 100, NY
<br>*David Foster, United Steelworkers <br>Joe Radisich, ILWU/Port of LA - invited <br>*Brad Markell, United Auto Workers <br>*Liza Featherstone, journalist/author<br>*Brian Darcy, IBEW Local 18, L.A.<br>*Barbara Byrd, Sec-Treas, Oregon AFL-CIO
<br>*Mary MeCartney, United Farm Workers - US <br>*Stanley Gacek, Int'l Affairs, AFL-CIO <br>*Bob Baugh, Energy Policy, AFL-CIO <br>*Joe Uehlein, Musicians, CERES <br>*Mary Broderick, Solar Coordinator, IBEW Local 68, Denver
<br>*Debbie Schneider Global Organizing Partnerships--SEIU <br>*David Mott, Organizing Director, SEIU, Canada <br>*Carol Phillips, Asst to Pres. - Canadian Auto Workers <br>*Marty Aikens, IBEW Local 103 <br>*Donald Lafleur, Canadian Union of Postal Workers
<span></span> <br>*Jim Rogers, Pres. ALAA, United Auto Workers <br>*Brendan Smith - Global Labor Strategies <br>*Roy Carver - Teamsters, Port Division</p>
<p><strong>From the International Labor Movement:</strong></p>
<p>*Lucien Royer, Trade Union Advisory Committee <br>*Joël Decaillon, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation—ETUC <br>Sharon Clair, VP, New Zealand Confederation of Trade Unions- to be confirmed <br>*Jaoquin Nieto Sainz
CC.OO, Spain <br>*Jean Pierre Bombard, CFDT—France <br>*Temistocles Marcelos, CUT, Brasil <br>*Gemma Adaba, ITUC <br>*Tim Secord, UTU Canada <br>*Anabella Rosemberg, TUAC – Paris <br>*Anna Panneels, FGTB-Belgium <br>Dave Spooner, International Federation of Worker Education Associations—TGWU, UK
<br>*Alana Dave, Education Dir., International Transport Workers Federation <br>*Laura Martin Murillo, Sustainlabour, Madrid <br>*Angela Lomosi, ITUC, African Region <br>*Monica Onyia, TUC-Nigeria <br>*Robert Sneddon, Community, UK industrial union
<br>*Mich Leahy, OBE, Gen Sec., Community, UK industrial union <br>*Bheki Ntshalintshali, COSATU <br>*Aminur Repon Chowdhury, Bangladesh FTUC <br>*Holger Bartel, DGB—Germany <br>*Werner Schneider, DGB-Germany <br>*Peter Poshen, ILO
<br>*Caroline Molloy, TUC - UK <br>*David Arnold, Green UNISON - UK <br>*Winston Gereluk Public Services International—Canada <br>*Brendan Martin, International Transport Workers Fed</p>
<p> <strong>From the environmental, legislative, policy, and academic communities:</strong></p>
<p>*Senator Bernie Sanders<br>*Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club<br>*Dr. Robert Socolow, Carbon Mitigation Initiative, Princeton University<br>*Jerome Ringo, Apollo Alliance<br>*Hillary French, Worldwatch<br>*Joel Yudken, High Road Strategies
<br>*Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research—CEPR<br>*Daphne Wysham, Inst. For Policy Studies<br>*Jeff Rickert, Apollo Alliance<br>*George Sterzinger, Renewable Energy Policy Project<br>*Lee Smith, National Photovoltaic Construction Partnership
<br>*Ed Murphy, Workforce Development Institute, NY<span></span> <br>*Mindy Lubber, President, CERES<br>*Bob Ginsburg, Center on Work and Community Development, Chicago<br>*Jeff Gooden, author on Coal industry<br>*Kate Pfordresher, Apollo Alliance, New York City
<p><em>*indicates confirmed speaker</em></p></td></tr></tbody></table>
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