I think the same thing also applies to the disillusionment of the knight, Antonius Block, in the Seventh Seal, who returns from the Crusades realizing that he had not only fought for a lost cause, but that cause had never been worth fighting for in the first place. Jim F. -- John Adams wrote: On Jul 30, 2007, at 6:23 AM, farmelantj@juno.com wrote: > A good article posted by Charles since it among other things > points out that Sweden has long harbored many people with pro-Nazi > outlooks and that during WW II, Sweden although officially > neutral, in fact sold Germany iron ore and other raw materials > while also permitting German troops to cross Swedish territory... Years ago, when I saw Bergman's "Shame", I wondered where such a powerful howl came from. Now I have some clue. John A ___________________________________ http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/mailman/listinfo/lbo-talk