Congestion Charging has led to reduced traffic levels and pollution, shorter journey times and better air quality. By law, all net revenue has to be invested in improving transport in London.
Since the Congestion Charge scheme started, London has seen:
Traffic entering the original charging zone reduced by 21 per cent
An increase in cycling within the zone of 43 per cent
Reductions in accidents and key traffic pollutants
Public transport successfully accommodating displaced car users
Retail footfall now outperforming the rest of the UK and returning to a pattern of year-on-year growth
No effect on property prices
£123 million being raised, in the financial year 2006/07, to invest back into improving transport in London
In comparison with 2002 conditions, congestion in 2006 was 8 per cent lower, but this is misleading about the scheme's performance. When compared to conditions without charging, Congestion Charging is continuing to deliver congestion relief that is broadly in line with the 30 per cent reduction achieved in the first year of the scheme
Initial results from the monitoring of the western extension suggest that traffic and congestion have both reduced in line with our expectations
For more information please refer to the Fifth Annual Impacts Monitoring Report (PDF 2.3MB).