Assuming Obama is elected, by 2011 there will be millions of deeply embittered voters for him. We need to give our attention to how we can reach this potential mass when that time comes.
^^^^^^ CB: Like 1932, there are predictions of an economic downturn that may very well swamp
the beginning of the next presidential term. The thirties depression embittered millions and millions may be embittered again in the next few years by unemployment, income loss, loss of homes, and on the socially burdensome concomittents of these.
What "we" should aim to help is a New Deal like
response to this economic crisis from the next Presidential Administration and Congress, as the Roosevelt Admin and Congress then responded.
We should develop a thorough and elaborate New New Deal program to win in the next few years !
Repeal Taft-Hartley ( both SEIU and CNA can unite around that demand); Let us dust off Roosevelt's
last State of the Union / Economic Bill of Rights message, and update it.
Franklin D. Roosevelt “The Economic Bill of Rights” Excerpt from 11 January 1944 message to Congress on the State of the Union
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