[lbo-talk] To each according to work

Charles Brown charlesb at cncl.ci.detroit.mi.us
Fri Apr 18 15:44:05 PDT 2008

I guess I missed that thread. I don't recall the topic being discussed recently. Other than these exchanges nothing else recent comes up under "to each

according" or "to each" when I search the archives so I'm uncertain to

which thread you're referring.

^^^^^ CB: Try this thread



It would be lamentable to see others here or anywhere parroting this letter to the editor perspective on work and remuneration. Unfortunately I believe the idea that those who work hard should receive greater financial compensation than those who do not is commonly held here. The idea that all should receive equal compensation in a manner that takes into account different needs (or at least seriously attempts to)

is anathema to more than a few here.

^^^^ CB: Who "here" are you talking about ? Most people here recognize difference in needs, as I recall.

I see the letter as a worker who may not be a

frequent participant in discussing general theories of society expressing feelings that many other workers might

have, because they have experienced "freeloaders"

It is an initial step in wider freedom of "discussion".

It seems likely that someone will reply to him. They

may point out that he might want to modify his statement "all able to work must work, but income for those who can't". Certainly he doesn't expect young children or the elderly or differently abled to work full tilt. I bet he believes in this type of charity. Better to persuade him or her of this in dialogue than by fiat.


John Thornton

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