Quite right, we have to be comparative. But since capitalism has no advocates on this list we are comparing different kinds of socialism.
> My other point was that if work can't be done by
> voluntary co-operation
> (e.g. rotas), then it won't be done. Some may make
> their own
> arrangements. That point is also worth making, although I
> concede it
> won't please everyone. But if it is claimed that some
> form of coercion
> is necessary for some (or all) individuals, then I would
> like to know
> what form that coercion would take. In particular, I would
> want to know
> how it doesn't involve a social relationship of coerced
> and coercees.
Well, one would hope that the coercers would be institutionally invested with limited powers and subject to democratic control. I have repeatedly said that I disavow what I call authoritarian solutions. Bill thinks any totally nonvoluntary solution amounts to slavery, but that is,a s he admits, a rhetorical exaggeration. The usual solution to the problems of authority in a free society is democracy, The English 19th Communist English William Morris, challenged with how you'd sail a ship in Communism. With a captain and sailors, he said ("Master and men," actually), only the captain would be answerable to men. This isn't really a hard problem in principle.
Btw, management, which involves the exercise of authority and occasionally some coercion ("I think you'd be happier in a different job"), is a real skill, not widely shared, as anyone who has worked under a bad boss -- or a really good one -- knows. Maybe I can make widgets, but that doesn't mean I or my fellow able widget makers know best how to organize people how to make widgets. We really want people with that talent running things. On a reasonably short leash. Bot so short that they can't do it or feel they can't do their job, not so long that they get above themselves and us widget makers.
> --
> Lew
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