On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 1:14 AM, boddi satva <lbo.boddi at gmail.com> wrote:
> I mean to say: "Instead, he acted like a thug..."
> And with the "special operations" thing, I mean to indicate "black"
> operations in and around Iraq that the CIA will know are Putin but the
> American media will not.
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 1:11 AM, boddi satva <lbo.boddi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You're misstating the problem.
>> Putin has overstepped, and for crooked reasons that are obvious.
>> Russia felt provoked. Russia *was* provoked and they have been
>> provoking right back for months. They should have realized how stupid
>> this Administration is and waited for the next one, like everyone else
>> in the world. Putin's invasion for oil into Georgia is folly.
>> As for the Grad missiles, Putin has no moral ground to stand on on that issue.
>> He could easily have won the PR war to which you refer, but instead of
>> showing Bush up, he acted like Bush and gave the American media a Bush
>> effigy to burn.
>> Putin should have used air power only to take out the artillery (those
>> are artillery rockets), had some "special operations" assets in place
>> to show the Administration how uncomfortable he can make them in Iraq
>> and seen to it that there were some really good-looking, sharp Russian
>> flaks on American TV arguing the Russian case.
>> He acted like a thug and now he's going to get hammered in the American press.
>> Why would you expect different? After all, they are just going to call
>> their buddies in the British press. Americans don't do international
>> reporting. We leave that for the British and just copy off them later.
>> If Putin wanted to win this in America, he had to send people to
>> America. Otherwise, the story goes through the Brits and they are not
>> exactly in love with Putin these days.
>> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 1:27 PM, Dwayne Monroe <dwayne.monroe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >From time to time, we'll get into an argument about religion. How
>>> should we feel about it? Can 'The Left' learn from Christian
>>> organizing? Are we too atheist or not atheist enough? Why did I dream
>>> of launching a nuclear strike against Heaven as a boy?
>>> Important questions, all.
>>> But to me, there's a much more interesting, faith-related query: why
>>> are Americans so willing to believe whatever their media tells them
>>> about Russia, China, etc?
>>> It seems like only yesterday the Internet smart-set was snarkily
>>> writing snark about the eager water carrying performed by venerable
>>> outfits like the NY Times. If the Pentagon claimed Iraq possessed a
>>> chemical weapon dispensing robot sent backwards in time to prevent the
>>> American revolution (because they hate freedom!) you can bet there
>>> would've been a NYT/WSJ, etc editorial insisting that 'as incredible
>>> as it sounds, these astounding charges bolster the President's call
>>> for swift and decisive action.'
>>> But now, with the Russia/Georgia conflict occupying context and
>>> history resistant minds, there's a rush to laugh at counter meme
>>> accounts (the meme being: brave little country fighting totalitarian
>>> giant led by new Hitler) and celebrate the 'truth' pouring out of our
>>> apparently rehabilitated media.
>>> Go to Gawker.com: it's a conventional meme celebration! The
>>> considerable snark capabilities of that web pub have been turned
>>> against any and all who challenge whatever CNN et. al. are saying.
>>> And this, while F18s continue to bomb Iraqi and Afghan targets (also
>>> known as 'people').
>>> While listening to NPR (an outlet which uses the intense awfulness of
>>> just about everything else on the dial as a marketing point) I heard a
>>> lot about 'Soviet era jets' flying over Georgia but nothing about the
>>> Grad missiles which got this bloody party started.
>>> And you know what? That's the media's job; they're shills for power.
>>> To quote Matt Taibb:
>>> All journalists are cowards. Hitchens knows it, I know it, everybody
>>> in this business knows it. If there were any justice at all, every
>>> last goddamn one of us would be lowered, head-first, into a
>>> wood-chipper. Over Arizona. Shoot a nice red mist over the whole
>>> state, make it arable for a year or two. A year's worth of fava beans
>>> and endive for the children of Bangladesh: I dare anyone in our
>>> business to say that that wouldn't represent a better use of our
>>> rotting bodies than the actual fruits of our labor.
>>> [...]
>>> from -
>>> Shoveling Coal for Satan
>>> <http://www.nypress.com/17/26/news&columns/MattTaibbi.cfm>
>>> So yes, the media -- with exceptions everyone will note -- is terrible
>>> and should be put to better use bringing delicious beans to the
>>> world's bean loving children.
>>> You know it, I know it, everybody know it.
>>> And yet, they want to believe.
>>> .d.
>>> --
>>> "Surrender Dorothy!"
>>> W. Witch, Western Div
>>> ......................
>>> http://monroelab.net/blog/
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