[lbo-talk] The Myth of the Tragedy of the Commons

shag shag at cleandraws.com
Tue Aug 26 16:03:53 PDT 2008

i couldn't really tell if you wrote this Dmytri or it was a quote from Kropotkin. For some reason certain user agents are pumping out text with no breaks in them -- at least when it reaches me. Doug's Eudora for mac does this occ. too.

So I googled and it's from Kropotkin. And it's exactly the kind of fluffy folderol that annoys me. Sure, freedom freedom freedom everywhere, you can be all that you can be with An-aarrr-chi-zum. Whee.

What I'm saying is: no you won't be completely free b/ec you will probably have nosy comradly neighbor wondering why you aren't pitching in to gift the community with your labor for the day. Chop chop, buddy, get to work! Tsk Tsk, that fellah in the unit on the corner? He never does his fair share. Slouch!

Which is fine with me. I expect that will be the case for life under a community-based system. I'm a freakin' sociologist and I dn't believe society can exist with normative, tacit rules which we enforce (police) on each other.

But you wouldn't get any idea of the existence of such a thing reading the quote below.

But hey, I'm going to be offline for a few days, so i'll get back to this next week.

I'm such a liar. I'll never read all the mail that will pile up!


At 04:34 AM 8/26/2008, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:
>On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 04:00:13 -0400, shag <shag at cleandraws.com> wrote: > a
>commons-based community has different institutions [...] > but what
>bothers me about anarchist-type explanation is that it appears > that
>their is no social control, when in fact there is, and must be. Hi Shaq,
>It is exactly the institutions of a commons-based community that Anarchism
>is concerned with. Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal (Kropotkin, 1896) A
>different conception of society, very different from that which now
>prevails, is in process of formation. Under the name of Anarchy, a new
>interpretation of the past and present life of society arises, giving at
>the same time a forecast as regards its future, both conceived in the same
>spirit as the above-mentioned interpretation in natural sciences. Anarchy,
>therefore, appears as a constituent part of the new philosophy, and that
>is why Anarchists come in contact, on so many points, with the greatest
>thinkers and poets of the present day. In fact, it is certain that in
>proportion as the human mind frees itself from ideas inculcated by
>minorities of priests, military chiefs and judges, all striving to
>establish their domination, and of scientists paid to perpetuate it, a
>conception of society arises, in which conception there is no longer room
>for those dominating minorities. A society entering into possession of the
>social capital accumulated by the labor of preceding generations,
>organizing itself so as to make use of this capital in the interests of
>all, and constituting itself without reconstituting the power of the
>ruling minorities. It comprises in its midst an infinite variety of
>capacities, temperaments and individual energies: it excludes none. It
>even calls for struggles and contentions; because we know that periods of
>contests, so long as they were freely fought out, without the weight of
>constituted authority being thrown on the one side of the balance, were
>periods when human genius took its mightiest flight and achieved the
>greatest aims. Acknowledging, as a fact, the equal rights of all its
>members to the treasures accumulated in the past, it no longer recognizes
>a division between exploited and exploiters, governed and governors,
>dominated and dominators, and it seeks to establish a certain harmonious
>compatibility in its midst — not by subjeecting all its members to an
>authority that is fictitiously supposed to represent society, not by
>trying to establish uniformity, but by urging all men to develop free
>initiative, free action, free association. It seeks the most complete
>development of individuality combined with the highest development of
>voluntary association in all its aspects, in all possible degrees, for all
>imaginable aims; ever changing, ever modified associations which carry in
>themselves the elements of their durability and constantly assume new
>forms, which answer best to the multiple aspirations of all. -- Dmytri
>Kleiner editing text files since 1981 http://www.telekommunisten.net

http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)

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