That didn't work out, huh?
If South America is going to link with Russia, why are they dollarizing?
Why doesn't Russia just link with China? Turn the pipelines east and be done with the capitalist bastards.
Assuming Russia actually does want to remain European, here's my question for you: wouldn't Russia do well to join the EMU?
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 3:44 PM, <dredmond at> wrote:
> Metal Bear Solid unleashes the nanotech claws:
>> Peter Lavelle for Russia Today
>> August 27, 2008
>> Why did Russia recognise the independence of South Ossetia and
>> Abkhazia so quickly? Wasn't such recognition a valuable bargaining
>> chip to be kept up Russia's sleeve to thwart off intended NATO
>> expansion into the South Caucuses? To be honest, that was my initial
>> take on the situation after Tbilisi de facto admitted defeat in the
>> wake of its aggressive war against South Ossetia. My mistake
>> had everything to do with not understanding how Russia is
>> disappointed with and is no longer willing to abide by the
>> current dysfunctional international order.
>> Russia has signaled that the post-Cold War period is over – all former
>> bets are off.
> Translation: Eurasia is fed up with the US neocons and the EU neolibs
> alike, and will now proceed to link up with Latin America and Southeast
> Asia for domestic development and stability. And there's not a damn thing
> the US or the Eurobourgeoisie can do.
> -- DRR
> ___________________________________