[lbo-talk] Oil refineries

Mr. X from_alamut at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 6 07:06:23 PST 2008

The Right claims that the gas crisis (which has abated a bit due to the collapse of the speculation market) was caused by the USA no having enought refineries due to the problems with environmentalist opposing construction of new refineries. However when you look at the stats a differenct story emerges. In 1982 there were 301 refineries vs 150 today. A wave of oil company mergers in the 80's reduced the total. If they really needed to the closed sites could be reactivated/rebuilt. I doubt much has been done on those closed sites since closing due to expensive clean-up requirements to make it safe for other uses.   http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/dnav/pet/hist/8_na_8o0_nus_ca.htm

peace,   Jim Davis Ozark Bioregion, USA

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