[lbo-talk] Official Economic stats

Wojtek Sokolowski swsokolowski at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 16 06:14:45 PST 2008

----- Original Message ---- From: SA <s11131978 at gmail.com> To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:23:14 AM Subject: Re: [lbo-talk] Official Economic stats

Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:

> Take for example the concept of the boundaries of production used in national accounting, which in principle consists of all market transactions.  However, as feminist critiques of that concepts pointed out, it leaves out a substantial chunk of productive activities, namely those carried out within the household sector or by unpaid labor (the latter is a bit more complicated and depends on the instituional setting of that labor) - both done predominantly by women.  So the national accounts statisticians who adhere to the 1993 SNA dutifuly perform their jobs as any good public servants would do, but the methodology they use undercounts certain types of productive activities, namely those performed by women.  Another example - collection of the decennial census data methods, which rely on the place of residence to identify respondents, and thus undercount low income people who are more likely to lack a permanent address. 

Has anyone put forward concrete proposals on how to define concepts and collect data for household production? I assume it's been done, but by whom?

[WS:] Check this site out.  http://www.rprogress.org/sustainability_indicators/genuine_progress_indicator.htm

Check also Robert Eisner's piece in the Janueary 1985 issue of the Survey of Current Business (a BEA publication) on the "total incomes system of accounts" http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3SUR/is_v65/ai_3584140/pg_1?tag=artBody;col1

ILO and OECD also consider the issue, cf. http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/download/articles/2000-21.pdf http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/25/44/25151576.pdf


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