Carrol Cox wrote:
> The right to kill a foetus (unhampered by either law or ideology or
> negative criticism) is the simple precondition for _any_ sort of
> feminism.
This begs a lot of questions. Why not state it differently: that the
right to bear and raise a child in humane conditions is the simple
precondition for any sort of feminism.
The fact that only the woman bearing a child has the right to decide
whether she will bear it or not is indisputable, but it is not an
adequate foundation for a political movement whose aim is to recast the
relationship between the sexes, and the relationship between man and nature.
> Sexual relations must be equally unthreatening for both men
> and women or equality is a mockery.
I know what you're saying, but think about it. Having sex without
pregnancy is extremely unthreatening for men.
They've kept us in such a buzz about abortion that we have completely
forgotten the other argument we should be having: about one's rights
after birth.