[lbo-talk] I hope you all vote(d) for Obama LOL LOL

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Tue Feb 5 10:07:59 PST 2008

shag at cleandraws.com wrote:
> Shane reminds me that I was going to say that the only slightly persuasive
> argument for voting for obama is this one I presented to my husband last
> week and, instead of convincing him, I convinced myself:

If everyone on this list voted for Obama, & if they persuaded everyone of their relatives and their friends to vote for Obama, it would not change a single electoral vote. Leftist votes in elections never have and never will swing the resultes.

There is one way and one way ONLY that a leftist can make even 1/3millionth of an impact on national policy, and that is by signalling solidarity with other leftists throughout the country that they are not alone. The only result that will hae even a Potential impact on national policy (and that only down the road a decade or so) is a vote for the Green candidate.

You are really _seriously_ deluding yourself if you think your vote or your voice makes any difference in the outcome. It has only the weight which a fan sitting before the TV has on the outcome of an athletic contest.


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