[lbo-talk] black feminists on obama

Wojtek Sokolowski swsokolowski at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 12 10:34:57 PST 2008

--- Andy F <andy274 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Except betcha they wouldn't -- they didn't exactly
> do that with the
> last Clinton.
> Remember the "My president is Charlton Heston"
> bumper stickers?

[WS:] Sour grapes. Objectively, Clinton WAS their president, whether they liked it or not (pomo bullshit notwithstanding.)

Another point, in response to Percy. Whether the idea of miliatry wingnuts saluting a female commander in chief is a sign of a small mind is a matter of interpretation. I see it as minimalism that has a far greater aesthetic appeal to me than the usual American bombast and hype, which I find exceptionally tacky. Thinking that anything more, i.e. a serious challenge to the tight grip that the capitalist ruling class has on the US society is possible strikes me as sheer lunacy.

Hope? The only hope we can have in the USA of today is the schadenfreude when the ruling classes or their minions make a public gaffe. Hoping for anything more is a false hope.

Alas, I spent my formative yers in Eastern Europe where people viewed the American "can do" attitudes as utter naivete, accepted the inevitablity of the instituional power structure, and learn how to find consolation in humor and ridicule.


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