On Feb 18, 2008, at 11:57 PM, abu hartal wrote:
> "I made it a principle to not say things to people on line that I
> wouldn't be capable of saying to their faces." See Derrida's
> critique of logocentrism. Why is speech a more authentic form of
> communication than writing?
Plato's Sokrates says (in *Phaidros*) that a book is like a brass gong, that makes a mighty sound but always the same one whenever it is struck and never can answer the slightest question. In other words, the only authentic form of communication is dialogue, with the human intercourse that involves all the senses, not mere abstract symbols. Is this your (and Derrida's) point?
Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things...it consents and does not consent to be called Zeus."
Herakleitos of Ephesos