Disclaimer: I don't watch much of cable teevee 'news' or 'analysis' for the obvious reason that these empty suits like Russert, Blitzer, and the rest are completely fucking clueless. They really don't know a fucking thing that they don't learn why jerking each other off at DC cocktail parties. (Cokie Roberts has to be the archetype for this completely inside the beltway establishment -- the woman is as dumb and unoriginal as a box of rocks.)
This morning I saw Russert asked this stupid question about the McCain 'scandal': "how will this NYT story affect the conservative base's support for McCain?" Russert answers: "well is depends on whether the base is upset by the scandal itself or is more upset with the liberal NYT."
I looked up and said, duh, they will demonize the Times, of course, why would you think any other result would occur? I left for the office, turned on Wingnut Radio (no, not Pacifica, AM Talk) and listened to Mike Gallagher rant on and on about the LiberalNewYorkTimes and the smear they were doing on McCain. This is from a guy that has spent the last year demonizing McCain as liberal and Manchurian candidate!
I guess Russert never listens to right wing radio . . .
Can I be a VP of news at NBC?
-- "Humanity will not be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."