>> Obama actually could win and throw a wrench in the war machine
> You keep saying things like this without offering any evidence. Which
> I suppose makes sense, since the available evidence is to the contrary.
> Doug
Forget it, Doug. From this point on, Obamaites will be unreachable. They've got religion, and nothing will stop the snake waving.
Dennis ______________
Bizarre. Of course evidence can't be seen if one refuses to look at it. And this self imposed blindness is quite puzzling (as is the distortion of Obama's comments on Pakistan by Adolph Reed and John McCain). Obama wants to try diplomacy with Iran. Clinton refuses it, though there is obviously a diplomatic solution to be had. Obama has laid out a plan for political and economic reconstruction of Afghanistan and said that the killing of civilians by US forces has to stop. There is no similar word from Clinton's campaign. Obama has said no to permanent bases in Iraq; Clinton has not. Obama has said yes to drivers' licenses for undocumented working people, Clinton has said no. Obama has expressed respect for Security Council authorization; Clinton has not. Obama will not impose fines on people who can't afford insurance and will seemingly do more by way of subsidies to make health insurance affordable to all, though he will not mandate purchase of insurance from a private contractor. The people who are unreachable are the "not a dime's worth of difference" delusionals.
And while we are at it, Dennis also wrote:
""American racism gets in the way of seeing Obama's political and moral superiority."
Jeepers. I feel, oh, I dunno, so humbled. Thank God there's an answer for us all. Sniff.
I am wondering what others make of this incoherent yet condescending reply. Why would Dimple feel humbled by the claim that racism has led pundits to minimize the moral and strategic importance of Obama's uniquely sincere concern for innocent Afghani Muslim life; why is Dimple sniffling; why is Dimple thanking God? I am sure that Shag understands Dimple perfectly well but let's not pile incoherence on incoherence. The stakes are too high for that.
Abu Hartal
Abu Hartal
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