Exhibit A, as noted in Tuesday's *Wall Street Journal*: this week she claimed that Venezuela is a dictatorship.
The *Journal* reports<http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120399018818292447.html>
In a major speech yesterday at George Washington University, Sen. Clinton drove the wedge [with Sen. Obama] deeper: "If I am entrusted with the presidency, America will have the courage, once again, to meet with our adversaries. But I will not be penciling in the leaders of Iran or North Korea or Venezuela or Cuba on the presidential calendar without preconditions; until we have assessed, through lower-level diplomacy, the motivations and intentions of these dictators."
So, according to Senator Hillary Clinton, the leader of Venezuela is a dictator.
It's hard to imagine that Hillary is so uninformed - and has such incompetent foreign policy advisers - that she doesn't know that President Hugo Chávez and his government have won multiple elections that were characterized as free and fair by international observers. But if she knows this, then she is lying. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-naiman/hillary-ready-to-lie-fr_b_88839.html